Category: <span>Gardening</span>

Seedling Roundup – April 20, 2016

A quick photo tour of the greenhouses; I snapped some pictures of the growth progress of the seedlings.  The last picture shows how I keep the more tender seedlings in the little greenhouse warm (peppers, eggplant, etc).

I get a kick out of the random zinnia seedling in the first photo, in a cell with dianthus.  It’s right along the back near the centre; proudly standing upright to remind me that it sneaked through.

Water Table Envy

Around this time of year I have what I’ve come to call water table envy.  What that means is that while everyone else is watching their gardens dry up day after day I’m watching mine grow algae. Right now the big back garden (25,500 sq.ft) is totally saturated, the little back …