If you’re like me and you’ve tried to grow “outside” vegetables inside and failed miserably… well, get ready for this one:
First Ripe Cantaloupe Grown in Closet – Vegetable Gardening Forum – GardenWeb
Return to the Vegetable Gardening Forum | Post a Follow-Up First ripe cantaloupe grown in closet Posted by gregplantaine7 7a ( My Page) on The first cantaloupe grown in my closet. Tasted sweet and juicy. Follow-Up Postings: In your closet?????? With lights? Did it come out of the closet??????
A cantaloupe grown in a closet. A closet! Good grief. I’ve tried growing patio tomatoes in the brightest window in the house and failed, growing a vining crop in a windowless room never even occurred to me as a possibility! And yet, here it is.
Kudos to the grower.
I think I’ll stick to herbs for now.
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What have you grown indoors?